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Feel free to drop us a line


Please provides us with as much detail as possible about your intended visit, purpose, etc. to help us in planning your custom-made experience at The Griffin Ranch without delay. We look forward to your visit..

General Information

Main telephone number:
888-414-2275 (Toll-free) If no answer off hours please call Cellular at the ranch . The Toll Free  number rings into my Orlando Law office ,where one of my staff will answer .  In the event I am not in they will locate me and I  will return your call.. Thank you , Carl

352 236 2275 (Cellular)

Ranch Location
11932 E. Hwy. 316
Ft. McCoy, FL 32134

E-Mail Address                                                                                                                                                                                       

Privacy Notice:
The Griffin Ranch does not sell it’s personal contact information to any outside source for any reason. This is used only for our internal reservation purposes